
Showing posts from January, 2019

COTR CG Leaders Week 8 Devotional

Devotional #8 COTR Small group leaders Jan. 27, 2019 Aren't you exceedingly glad that our God MAJORS in "Do-overs"?! When we last heard from Cain in Genesis 4, he was spurning God's offer of grace and forgiveness. His life trajectory then took a decidedly negative and ungodly turn. In choosing not to repent of anger, bitterness, and covetousness, Cain not only spurned God's offer of forgiveness and saving grace for himself, but he established a legacy of unbelief in his descendants. TALK ABOUT A GUY IN DESPERATE NEED OF A "DO-OVER" with GOD! Cain's story didn't need to end with Cain establishing his legacy as the "FIRST" human hardened and embittered by sin! God was ready and willing to meet Cain in his sin and pain. Cain would not yield. So, sin and death reigned. What purpose did Cain's life serve and what SHOULD we learn? Before we head into Genesis 5-6, I believe we need to see two contrasts in Gen.